Nicholasville, United States
101 Bradley Dr
They have a good selection. The building needs better lighting, but I think they are doing that. The archery range in 10/hr, not bad at all. If you are size small or 3x, they have a great choice of clearance clothing. This place is off to a good start!
Best of the best! Nobody does what these guys do! Awesome selection of outdoor gear, plenty of ammo, great prices, employees extremely helpful. 3D archery range is insane. Best outdoor store hands down.
This place is awesome! The store is clean and well stocked! We watch online on Facebook. Drove 2 hours to visit the store and they did not disappoint! Staff is so nice and helpful! Gear is very affordable! Camo for 15. Visit the store! You will not be disappointed!
We got up and left @5am to be there for the grand opening after a 3.5hr drive. Lol We were NOT disappointed. They have an awesome facility (much more than a store) some great deals and the most friendly and helpful staff of anywhere I’ve been. If you haven’t been by check them out, you’ll love it.
Very nice and clean store! Good inventory and fair prices.
Great place with a great inventory that keeps growing every time I go in there. The staff is friendly and Megan was super helpful.
They live up to there name NDWWD With the store getting new stuff in weekly. It keeps getting better and better.
I certainly enjoyed coming into this store! The employees were very nice and very helpful! I will definitely be coming back!
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